Dunkin, previously known as Dunkin’ Donuts, stands as a prominent American multinational chain renowned for its delectable coffee and donuts. Established primarily by William Rosenberg in 1950, the company later came under the ownership of Allied Domecq in 1990, subsequently becoming a subsidiary.
Headquartered in Canton, Massachusetts, Dunkin has evolved over the years, and in 2004, it underwent a name change to simply “Dunkin.” Presently, it operates approximately 12,900 outlets across 42 countries, offering a wide array of mouthwatering treats including donuts, bagels, coffee, and other beverages.
Dunkin actively engages its customers through the DunkinRunsOnYou survey,aimed at enhancing service quality throughout the organization, encompassing both the culinary offerings and customer service experience. Upon completion of the survey, participants are rewarded with a complimentary Dunkin Donut coupon, redeemable during their subsequent visit.
Here are the DunkinRunsOnYou survey guidelines:
- Upon completing the DunkinRunsOnYou survey, participants will receive a free donut coupon for their next Dunkin visit.
- The free donut coupon must be presented along with the final proof of purchase during the next Dunkin Donuts visit.
- After verification of the proof of purchase and coupons, participants will receive their complimentary donut at participating Dunkin Donuts outlets.
- Some DunkinRunsOnYou survey rewards may require the purchase of a medium or large drink at Dunkin Donuts.
- The use of the free donut coupon received from each DunkinRunsOnYou survey visit is subject to certain limitations.
- Participants cannot exchange or redeem the DunkinRunsOnYou survey reward for cash, and any associated taxes are the responsibility of the survey winner.
- It’s imperative to redeem the reward before the coupon expiration date.
Dunkin continues to delight its patrons with irresistible treats and values customer feedback through initiatives like the DunkinRunsOnYou survey, ensuring a satisfying experience for all coffee and donut enthusiasts.